A few months ago I ended up losing my entire website because of not backing my website up on my computer, and my webhost not renewing my hosting automatically like I had selected. Because of this I had to start all over. It was kind of nice to start from scratch and make some changes to my website that I had wanted to make for quite a while. The one down side was that I lost all of my blog post. I had so many ideas posted that I got very discouraged about starting again.

With a new school year started I’ve decided I’m finally ready to begin blogging again! I can’t promise it will be very often as I have a baby and a toddler, but I’m definitely going to try.

One of the things I want to bring back is my Techie Tuesdays. I am a strong proponent of Android Apps, and I have a number of more apps that I want to share with everyone!

So check back soon for more blog posts!